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Bitcoin's All-Time High: Adjusting for Inflation

Bitcoin's All-Time High: A Perspective on Inflation Adjustments As Bitcoin inches closer to its all-time high, the cryptocurrency landscape is buzzing with discussions about whether its previous peak should be adjusted for inflation. With the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation calculator suggesting a revised target of approximately $75,000, the debate intensifies. This adjustment isn't merely academic; it reflects the evolving role of Bitcoin in the financial ecosystem, especially as it vies for status as a serious inflation hedge. Understanding the All-Time High Previous Peak : Bitcoin reached an all-time high of nearly $69,000 in November 2021. Inflation Adjustment : Adjusting for inflation brings the real target closer to $75,000, emphasizing the need to consider economic conditions over time. Bitcoin as an Inflation Hedge Despite the volatility associated with Bitcoin, it continues to be regarded as a potential safeguard a

Snapchat's Egypt Augmented Experience: Explore Ancient Egypt in AR with the Louvre

Snap has partnered with the Louvre museum in Paris to launch a fascinating augmented reality (AR) experience called "Egypt Augmented." This five-part experience consists of four location-specific AR experiences within the museum's Department of Egyptian Antiquities, as well as one in the exterior courtyard, the Cour Carrée. In addition, Snapchat users worldwide can enjoy a free Face Lens feature inspired by the exhibition. By scanning a QR code with their smartphones, visitors to the museum can witness exhibits coming to life in AR right before their eyes.

Diving into the AR experience, users will encounter the Dendera Zodiac, a 3D representation of a ceiling relief featuring a Ptolemaic sky map from 50BC. Alongside this immersive exhibit, users will find simple explanations of the symbols and purpose of the relief. Furthermore, the Chamber of Ancestors, a carved tomb interior from 1450 BC representing Ancient Egyptian dynasties, is recreated in its original technicolor pigments, allowing visitors to appreciate its true beauty. Another highlight of the experience is the transformation of the pink granite bas reliefs of the four-sided shrine, the 550 BC Naos of Amasis, back to their original state. The wooden doors of the shrine open to reveal a statue of the god Osiris, which was once housed within.

Stepping outside, visitors will encounter a digital representation of the obelisk that was transported from Egypt's Luxor to Paris in 1836. This virtual obelisk appears to rise up in the center of the museum's Cour Carrée, where it was initially intended to be erected. Ultimately, the real obelisk found its home in the city's Place de la Concorde, where it currently stands.

The Egypt Augmented experience has been developed to commemorate the 200th anniversary of archaeologist Jean-François Champollion deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs using the renowned Rosetta Stone. Vincent Rondot, head of the Louvre's Antiquities Department, emphasized the importance of museums reflecting the times we live in. He expressed his enthusiasm for Snap's AR technology, stating that it is a powerful tool to enhance their ability to explain the exhibits. Embracing AR is a way for the Louvre to "enter the dance" and engage visitors in a dynamic and immersive learning experience.

Snap's collaboration with the Louvre demonstrates the growing significance of AR in the art and cultural sector. By blending the physical and digital worlds, this partnership not only amplifies the educational value of the museum exhibits but also provides a unique and captivating experience for visitors. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more innovative partnerships and AR experiences that bring history and art to life in new and exciting ways.


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